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They are unusual kids

Now, I'm coming with reviewing a teaching methode that i applicated to my students at MI Alhidayah 2 months ago. Out of total 12 students in my class, 5 kids are succeed to get the rewards, meanwhile the rest are kept naughty like usual. nothing changed them. it's totally failed. T_T

The boys in my class acts like brandals. Alif never writes even he likes being chased by me in class. he never respect me and mocked me often. Arifin is Alif's follower. he got the impact of his friend's naughtiness, he tends to imitate what his friend did. it's hard to make him away from Alif. i can do it only when Alif was absent the class. Then, Adit, Noval, Wafiq.. they never respect the teacher, didn't want to follow the class and always bully the others. 

They will graduate on April this year. Just hoping that they can pass the test well and having best morals. Amin.

Surabaya, 23 Feb 2016 - 4.55 p.m.


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