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Healthy Tips

Healthy means that we are able to keep our endurance from any disease attacks like fever, influenza, cough and so on. Then how can we keep our endurance correctly so that we are always healthy and fresh every day … ???. Below are several healthy tips to keep our endurance and keep healthy:

      Get enough rest. Get enough rest every day is one of the factor to keep our endurance.
The good time rest are:
-       For baby 12-14 hours per day
-       For pre-school and school 11-12 hours per day
-       For teenager 8-9 hours per day
-       For adult 7-8 hours per day
-       For age 6-7 hours per day

So we have to try to rest from our busy activity. But have we already taken a rest well? Below there are some tips to get a good rest :

-    Leave your gadget. It turned out that turning the eyes from gadget screen for a while is not enough. What you have to do is leave the gadget for a while. Then breathing to get fresh air for a good circulation blood.

-    Socializing. When we are in the office and the time for rest comes, do not just sit silently. Do socializing with others. A research found that a strong socialization in the office can give a good a spirit energizing for you. Your body will be fresh and will be more productive.

-   Take a rest for every 90 minutes. A research showed that someone works for 90 minutes without a break, the productivity will decrease on the following minute. Thus don’t wait till the body felt tired before resting. Take a rest on every 90 minutes or more and shake your body at once.

-   Vacation. Have you ever counted how many times doing vacation in a year? Work too hard doesn’t mean anything if you are sick because of tired. Save your money for vacation regularly. Vacation is one of the effective way to release stress, fix the mood, and make your mind will be more fresh so you will be more productive in the office.

-   Get a good afternoon nap. An afternoon nap is useful for increase the function of brain. Increase the alertness, and also increase your creativity. Thus it is important for you to provide time at least 25-30 minutes every day for taking a nap. This is also convinced that sleeping at night only is not enough to refill the lost energy.

Positive thinking. Inside the health body there is a quite mind and healthy too. So try to always positive thinking on every problem we are facing.

Doing sport regularly. Every morning, try to exercise regularly. This aimed to keep fit the body, always look fresh and healthy. Consistency is the key to make exercising as a habit in our life. Below some tips to make exercising as your daily activity consistently:

-   Go out earlier. A research shows that people who do exercising as the first activity which is done in the morning is the most consistent people.

-    To be realistic. Make a small purpose to reach the first planning. If you will do exercising, plan to do it 3 times a week. Then you can change to do it every day.

-    Having a specific plan before starting. To avoid the flatness, like one day for muscle power, the next day for exercising kardio, and so on. But you have to make a plan before. Every Sunday night, make a new schedule for a week ahead and do it obediently. Plan or schedule are not always too complicated, like, Monday: taking a walk 30 minutes, Wednesday: taking a walk 30 minutes adding with push up or sit up 15 minutes, and so on.

-    Find someone to make you are being responsible for your own schedule. Someone can be a friend or a private trainer. You can find an inspiring partner whom can be reliable.

-    Decide the goal and monitor the progress. It can be that your goal is to get a lose weight or running for 8 km, or can be simpler “exercising one two days for a month”. Monitor and see your progress as a motivation to be consistent.

Good Luck! ^^


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