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Ada apa di Lawang Sewu Semarang?

29 September 2018, TDA squad were travelling in Semarang. We named us TDA which means teman dunia akhirat, amin. Lawang sewu becomes most wanted destination if you visit Semarang. Aside to its mystical history, this building is instragamable for youth. This time I’m gonna write my story here visiting Lawang Sewu Semarang.

Lawang sewu located at Tugu Muda complex Jl. Pemuda, Semarang. A brief story about it that perhaps everyone knows already, lawing sewu is not exactly having 1000 doors. The fact is written 342 doors only. People called sewu or a thousand as there are 429 door’s frame and handling door more than 1200 pieces. I don’t count exactly, all this information I got from google. 

We were in semarang for spending week end refreshing from our tight and crazy works. Haha. We’re just from cimory farm at ungaran then we went to lawing sewu by go car. At that time we just arrived there around 9 pm. Crazy uji nyali I thought, haha. Unintentionally, I have 2 friends, Lydia and ifa, are sensitive with such mystically things. While nuri and I are not. So we can enjoy to selfie without any disruption from ghosts. We’re entering the gate which actually the operational visitor time will be ended 30 min ahead. However we still decided to enter the building. The price of entering ticket was 10.000 for each. Based on google it open from 7 am – 9 pm. However it will close till 9.30. we were offered whether a guide can accompany us, but we don’t need a guide.

As I knew the first door was closed, I don’t know why. So the visitors were guided to use behind door. I saw still many youth there cz it’s Saturday night. I heard some people were running while laughing at second floor maybe they were trying uji nyali or frightening their friend I don’t know, haha. Okay, we were in first floor. There are a lot of paintings and pictures describing lawang sewu in colonialized era. It was first as an office of Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij or NIS, was built in 1904 and finished in 1907. After the independence of Indonesia this building used as an office of Djawatan Kereta Api Repoeblik Indonesia (DKARI) or now called PT Kereta Api Indonesia. When still in colonial era, this building became one of a silent witness of semarang war between AMKA youth versus Kempetai and Kidobutai Japan army. In another room, there’s like theater room shown a video, unfortunately no body watched it. It such a museum of train. Oh ya, this building has been revitalization several times till now used as an tourism object in Semarang. 

Underground room was closed for visitors. I forgot exactly on which floor it was, but I saw there’s a dark deep room there. I didn’t have any brave to look in it, hehe. So we moved into second floor and took some pictures. Then we’re gonna back to hotel. There’s funny story, nuri and I were back from we first entrance way, meanwhile Lydia and ifa were through opposite entrance. They said they saw someone blocked their way but its feet didn’t step on the ground. They spontaneously screamed and came to me. We went down passing the old well. It looks creepy as the lights were yellow. Then, we were back to hotel by go car and tomorrow cuz to Surabaya. Such an unforgettable memory. 


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